Mazi - Asset Management

Africa Listed Equities

Investment funds for institutions

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Market-Neutral Hedge Fund
Money Market Fund
Flexible Income Fund
Balanced / Multi Asset Class
Local Listed Property Equities
Long Short Hedge Fund
Domestic Listed Equities
Africa Listed Equities
Medical Aids (Reg 29, Reg 30)

Our fund Strategy

Our portfolios seek to offer investors exposure to listed African equity markets outside of South Africa. We aim to generate long-term dollar-denominated returns by investing in companies that present attractive fundamental value relative to their share prices and growth prospects. This is informed by the recommendations from our research analysts.

Our primary focus is on in-country listed companies, but we include foreign-listed companies which have significant exposure to Africa outside of South Africa. We closely monitor and assess the country-specific risk to ensure the portfolio is well-positioned to deliver strong risk-adjusted returns over the long-term.

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