Mazi - Asset Management

We aspire to be a world class asset managerwith African heritage

Measure our long-term success

Our investment approach rests on three pillars: absolute returns, teamwork and diversity.

With one team working across all asset classes and sectors, your investment benefits from multi-industry and multidisciplinary best practices, efficiency and absolute returns.

We have one process, one research platform, and a performance-driven culture.

Integrated systems, data and portfolio modelling, accounting expertise and compliance considerations, drive our investment decisions. Because we’d rather be approximately right than exactly wrong.

How we make investment decisions

When it comes to your money, we don’t speculate.

That’s why we ask two questions before making any investment decision: What is the catalyst? And, what could go wrong?

We’re careful not to confuse what we know with what we think we know, which is why we analyse each asset against four crucial variables:

  • Valuation. We identify profit and cash flow drivers and assess their sustainability through forecasting and scenario analysis.

  • Environment. We analyse operational, industry, and macro-economic factors, as well as the influence of competitors, global peers, legislation, and suppliers.

  • Leadership. The asset must be managed by a strong, accountable and transparent leadership team that values corporate governance.

  • Risk assessment. We investigate if there’s potential for permanent capital loss during business disruption.

This disciplined philosophy has helped us to identify companies with sustainable and resilient business models, smart leaders, strong balance sheets and exciting growth potential.

Our stock selection process limits downside risk by investing in a selection of sector-diverse large, medium, and small cap shares that offer medium to long-term capital growth.

In other words, we’ve done all the hard work, so you don’t have to.

In managing assets, we apply a long-term, bottom up valuation driven philosophy. We believe that a sound investment must meet the following key requirements.

If you invested

in 2006
it would be worth


today, 27 July 2024 (after fees)

Based on: Domestic Listed Equities

Domestic Listed Equities
Market-Neutral Hedge Fund
Mazi Asset Management Prime Equity
Long Short Hedge Fund
Flexible Income Fund
Mazi Asset Management Prime Africa Equity
Mazi Global Equity
Market-Neutral Hedge Fund
Local Listed Property Equities
Mazi Global Equity
Money Market Fund
Money Market Fund
Mazi Balanced
Flexible Income Fund
Africa Listed Equities
Long Short Hedge Fund
Balanced / Multi Asset Class
Medical Aids (Reg 29, Reg 30)

“Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up.” - Charles T. Munger

Natasha Senkge | Head of Research & Analyst

Natasha Senkge