Mazi - Asset Management

Money Market Fund

Investment funds for individuals

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Mazi Asset Management Prime Africa Equity
Mazi Global Equity
Mazi Global Equity
Mazi Balanced
Flexible Income Fund
Money Market Fund
Market-Neutral Hedge Fund
Long Short Hedge Fund
Mazi Asset Management Prime Equity

Our fund Strategy

The primary objective of the Mazi Asset Management Prime Money Market Fund is to provide a medium whereby investors can obtain undivided participation in a diversified portfolio of such money market instruments and assets in liquid form as defined from time to time. The primary performance objective of the portfolio is to obtain as high a level of current income as is consistent with capital preservation and liquidity. Capital gains will be of an incidental nature.

This fund is suited to investors who want a liquid investment that delivers a regular income and/or maximum capital protection, but who understand that their investment is unlikely to keep pace with inflation if held in the longer term.

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